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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is often referred to as gum disease. This is one of the most common oral health concerns affecting more than 50% of US adults. Periodontal disease occurs when plaque buildup at the gum line irritates gum tissue leading to infection. If you notice red, inflamed, swollen, or bleeding gums, contact our team right away. We offer numerous treatment options to reverse the effects of periodontal disease and restore oral health.

What Is A Root Canal, And Why Should I Have One?

Root canal typically refers to the removal of infected tissue inside a tooth and the restoration of the damaged tooth following removal. Though this procedure has a reputation for being painful, it actually offers patients significant pain relief. The discomfort associated with root canals actually comes from the infected nerve tissue. Following removal, pain is significantly diminished. If you experience a consistent toothache, discoloration of a single tooth, or sensitivity to changes in temperature, contact our office right away.

Can I Replace Missing Teeth With Dental Implants At Haworth Dental?

We do offer dental implant tooth replacement at Haworth Dental. If you’re missing one or more teeth, we invite you to schedule a dental implant consultation to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implant supported tooth replacement.

I Want To Brighten My Smile. Should I Choose In-office Or At-home Teeth Whitening?

The decision to whiten teeth with in-office or take-home whitening is dependent upon the patients’ goals. In-office whitening offers patients results up to ten shades brighter in as little as an hour. Professional take-home kits provide similar results over the course of several weeks of consistent treatment. If you’re interested in brightening your smile, schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with our team today. We’ll be happy to help you make the right choice for your smile.

Do You See Patients During A Dental Emergency?

We encourage patients to call us immediately when they experience a dental emergency of any kind. We will do our utmost to provide care right away, and offer patients tips for managing their condition until they reach our office.

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